Being a Dog A film by Felix Swahn, Country of Origin: Sweden (Critique Review)

Director Felix Swahn

Woww…!! what an Idea! I really appreciate the Director of this project. Being a Dog is not an animated film; it is more about human psychology. Director Felix Swahn well made this transformation in psychology. In this era, we really forget about our emotions about our friendship, etc. And also, the film shows the reality of society and how judgemental human being are, as when he tries to share his feelings with humans, they all laugh and make fun of him. After becoming human, he proposed to the girl and also told her that, due to her past relationships, he was afraid of sharing his feelings, which many men faced in today’s world. But being a dog is not bad, as dogs were always loyal. In today’s society, everyone is trying to pull down the other one, which is a very bad sign. But as we see, there were also good people, as the girl understands him and gives him time to think and she was not judging him. Society should accept everyone and try to pull up instead of pulling down.

The dog, which was running after the man, shows the angerness of the dog against a human being. And the last scene was awesome when Tim pissed on the post; it’s a symbolic aspect.

Technically, the animation was good. I feel if the structure were more soothing, then it would touch the audience more. But this is a great project.

Critique Point: 2.5/5